For about a week, I have been wondering what my first post should be about… First tri training workouts? This year's expectations? The swim? The bike? The run? But yesterday morning after training, it all came together… The reason behind this madness of triathlon. The real motivation behind getting up so early to endure pain.
This blog is about the road to the Worlds Championship, the trainings, the lessons learned, the experiences; but most importantly the purpose of this blog is to share the true triathlon lifestyle and everything that comes with it, especially its people!!!
Yesterday at breakfast, we all chatted away our workout accomplishments, our upcoming goals, and more triathlon madness. Alina and I talked about nutrition and how neither of us knew how to make a good “bean” meal… Of course we took the challenge and decided to get together the following day and learn how to cook beans!
Another passion shared by triathletes: Food!